Busy July Paving Season in the Adirondacks

On a hot summer day in Chestertown just after the July 4th holiday weekend, Peckham’s Chestertown plant pumped out almost 5,000 tons of blacktop to multiple projects. After losing quite a few days to rain so far this paving season, it was great to capitalize on a glorious summer day. Peckham Road crews were working on Route 28 in (faraway) Raquette Lake, and a second PRC crew was laying down mix locally for the Town of Chester.
Long hours for everyone have been the norm for weeks. Big days of blacktop production don’t happen without plenty of aggregate ready; the truck drivers have been hustling back and forth to Inlet (65 miles!) for a month already. The blacktop crews had been doing some emergency maintenance the night before and managed to pull off this big day on just a few hours of sleep.
Given this busy period in July, we gladly took the opportunity to supply lunch to our customers, plant crews, and truck drivers for making it all happen. Many thanks to all for keeping Peckham Industries, Inc. rolling!