Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Using Clear Resin Binder and Colored Dye

Project Team
Members of Peckham’s Quality Control department and production staff
Application of Hot Mix Pavement Using Clear Resin Binder
15 Ton Trial of Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Using Clear Resin Binder and Colored Dye
Peckham Industries has partnered with several industry members in New York City to develop and produce 15-tons of green-colored HMA. These 15 tons were produced as a part of a trial run that used clear binder resin with green dye to pave, instead of conventional binder methods for HMA paving. This resulted in the hot mix retaining a bright, vibrant, green color as it was applied and rolled onto the previously milled surface. Application and rolling of this hot mix were normal and no issues were experienced during the paving process.
The purpose of this trial is to test colored pavement for color delineating bike and bus lanes on New York City streets. The primary alternative for color delineating bike and bus lanes is paint, which has typically had a very objectionable odor for up to several days after application, in addition to being more of a short-term solution. Determining if this unique hot mix asphalt design is stable in terms of rutting, color retention and binder aging will be critical in determining its future use on a more widespread scale and adoption by the New York City Department of Transportation.
Excellent research, development, formulation, and design work was completed by several Peckham quality control and production staff members in order to help produce this trial. The Peckham team is excited to be a part of innovative projects such as this and looks forward to studying the results of this trial.