Peckham Road Corp. Crews Busy with State and County Projects

Peckham Road Corporation is taking off this season with our milling crews to prep New York State roads for paving. We are currently reconstructing NYS Routes 23A and 9W in two locations across Greene County by milling 2”. Next up will be our paving crews coming in to provide Greene County with two brand new State roads. Through our cooperation with the State we were able to meet plans and cause with minimal disruption to traffic in the area. These milling crews of at least two people, an operator and groundman, mill from 1”-12” of broken up road. This leaves a smooth, grooved surface at the correct pitch to shed water off of the new road. That way, when the road is paved, we can move quicker and with confidence that the final product will be durable and of sound engineering.
We look forward to continuing our work for the State and County this season!