Advocate for Industry Funding: Your Voice Matters!

Mar 8, 2022 | Community, Events, New York, News

Lawmakers across the country are currently working on legislation that would suspend gas taxes. These policies will harm the necessary funding needed to build and maintain our roadways and bridges. Please take a moment to make your voice heard and tell Congress to oppose a suspension of the gas tax. If this proposal were to move forward, our industry will lose out on funding for state departments of transportation to address roadway and bridge construction needs. Click here to send a letter. 


On March 9th, the New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways will host a virtual Local Roads Advocacy Campaign calling on New York State lawmakers to fully fund local roads and bridges in the 2022-2023 state budget. Register for the event here.  More resources and information can be found on the registration page and on the New York State County Highway Association website. This event is a great opportunity to encourage the Governor and state lawmakers to prioritize the maintenance and repair of local roads and bridges in the New York State budget. It is important that many industry members register and participate as we all depend on these local roads every day.  

NSSGA members, click here to contact your representatives regarding the new funding that was approved in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act before the March 11 deadline. This is important funding that the states will need in order to address their surface transportation needs. Your voice matters and our industry needs all of the advocacy we can get. The Peckham team is here to help and discuss these advocacy efforts with you.